February: The Courage To Ask

Courage isn’t a word I use often. In fact, I haven’t actively thought about or spoken about courage in months—maybe longer.

What is courage, anyway? Is courage about going after your dreams, despite what others may think? Is courage saying no when the world expects a yes? Or, is courage the quiet confidence that lives in the small, unseen moments—the courage to be vulnerable, to admit we don’t have all the answers, to ask for help when we need it most? 

Many of us live with a constant, low hum of fear:

The fear of what other people think.

The fear of wasting the opportunities we’ve been given.

The fear that something bad might happen, just when we thought we had it all under control.

Despite these fears, we wake up every day and face life with courage. Courage shows up in the simple yet profound moments of our lives—the way we present ourselves, the risks we embrace, the determination to move forward despite our fears. While courage takes many forms, some of the greatest areas growth come from Courage to dream, to ask and to pursue.

What does that look like? 

The Courage to Dream, to allow yourself to imagine a future beyond your current circumstances. To believe, even for a moment, that something extraordinary is possible for you.

When you start exploring the journey of successful entrepreneurs, such as SmartSweet’s Founder Tara Bosch, you’ll be reminded that courage isn’t something that people are born with. It’s an active choice to believe in yourself, and to believe that courage isn’t only for the bold. Tara grew up watching Shark Tank and Dragons Den, and found the courage to find hope in their stories and envision a brighter future for herself, and the world. 

You don’t need to be a successful entrepreneur to believe in yourself and create the future you know is possible. Change starts with the choices and actions you make within your community, and the ripple effect you create.

The Courage to Ask, to put yourself out there. To risk rejection, embarrassment, or disappointment in the hope of something greater. To ask for help, for clarity, for a chance. 

We put ourselves in a  vulnerable position when we ask for help, but sometimes, asking for exactly what we want is the most powerful thing we can do. At a recent Mindful Mornings journaling session, someone asked “I am looking for a hotel for my solo trip to Paris. Somewhere affordable, not too far from the tourist activities, but close enough that I can travel within the city comfortably.” Shortly after she shared this request, another woman enthusiastically proclaimed, “I know the perfect hotel for you!” Sometimes, being “too” specific can feel scary. But specific requests allow others to help and provide exactly what you’re looking for. 

The Courage to Pursue, to take the first step and then another, even when the path is uncertain. To keep going, even when it would be easier to quit. 

When we don’t know where we’re going and feel like giving up, courage allows us to stay guided by a sense of purpose and our internal beat. The unknown is scary, but with courage, we can forge a beautiful path that aligns with our highest self. By forging this new path, we invite others to do the same. The world as we know it doesn’t work for so many of us, so why do we keep trying to fit in and follow the path of others? Books like “The Courage To Be Disliked” allow us to explore new territories, even when others may judge. 

Each of these acts of courage has a common thread. Although our fight-or-flight response may be triggered at the thought of vulnerability, there are no life or death situations involved. 

You get to choose the friends and family you keep.

You get to choose the career you pursue.

And you get to choose courage over fear. 

So today, I ask you:

What is one thing you’ve been afraid to ask for? And what might happen if you found the courage to ask?

Recommended Resources:

To explore more opportunities to receive this month, the Growth Club team has curated a few recommended readings and podcasts. Let us know what you think, and feel free to share more of your favorites with us!


The Courage to Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

This book explores the teachings of Alfred Adler, encouraging readers to free themselves from societal pressures and embrace their true selves.

The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest

This is Growth Club’s book club recommendation for the Courage Growth Track. This book delves into self-sabotage and offers strategies to transform internal obstacles into opportunities for self-mastery.


From Kitchen to a $360M Acquisition with SmartSweets Founder Tara Bosch

In this episode of the Female Startup Club podcast, Tara Bosch shares her inspiring journey of building SmartSweets from her kitchen to a successful acquisition.

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March: The Purpose of You


January 2025: Abundance is your birthright.